Michael Pollan joins the call!

In August, Michael Pollan visited TheWhoFarmMobile twice: first in NYC, and again in San Francisco.

And last Sunday in The New York Times Magazine, in an open letter to our next President entitled “Farmer in Chief,” Michael Pollan joined the call for organic food production at The White House!

“Since enhancing the prestige of farming as an occupation is critical to developing the sun-based regional agriculture we need, the White House should appoint, in addition to a White House chef, a White House farmer. This new post would be charged with implementing what could turn out to be your most symbolically resonant step in building a new American food culture. And that is this: tear out five prime south-facing acres of the White House lawn and plant in their place an organic fruit and vegetable garden.”

The entire piece is well worth the read.  Informative and stimulating.

Pollan also makes the same suggestion somewhere after the 20 minute mark in his talk at the Google Zeitgiest ’08.

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